Countdown Maker is a curious application for Mac that is able to make a countdown with the amount of time indicated by the user and make the countdown in the sequence of a video. The maximum amount of time you can set the countdown to is sixty minutes.
There are many options to personalize the countdown: you can add a background that you choose like a photo or a video clip which will play while the countdown is going on (always and when it is of a smaller size). The image has to be smaller than 720 wide X 480 high. The application also supports the use of Alfa transparencies.
The text used to show the countdown can also be modified. It is possible to change it to any font that your computer has, you can change its size, color and spacing.
You can place the countdown where you would like to place it on your computer screen, you can also turn on a special shading effect feature. You can also modify your clock to include zeros or even milliseconds. The resulting actions that you make will make the countdown clock appear in a video clip.
I would like to add my own tracks to the count downs I create. Does Count Down Maker support audio?